Globalization, an Ironic Economic Theory, and Time and Money

Martin Squibbs

April 22, 2012

This presentation will contain ideas that longtime Humanist Community member Martin Squibbs has developed from the presentations on “Values and Wealth” and “Money”, that he gave respectively in November 2011 and January 2012. Firstly, he will discuss globalization, and how we might differentiate its meaning into material and human categories in order to discuss the subject more intelligently and more usefully (from the point of view of looking forward to a better future). Secondly, he will present and discuss a model of the US economic system which may extend to many other economic systems and which may offer some ironic connections between government debt and stock market valuation. Finally, if time allows, he has some additional thoughts on time and money.

View the slides here.

More Militarism and War = More Guns But Little Butter

Michael Eisenscher

April 15, 2012

Sunday April 15, 2012 Michael Eisenscher will discuss the economic consequences of a militarized foreign policy and economy. He will describe how a decade of militarism and war has contributed to the economic crisis and how continuing to prosecute the “war on terror” will prolong and deepen that crisis, while actually undermining national security. He will report on the emerging Bay Area and national movement for “new priorities” – which seeks to redirect revenue from the bloated military budget to create jobs, repair the social safety net, protect the environment and meet a host of other urgent social needs – and will suggest what is required for a transition to a peace economy.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-04-15): More Militarism and War = More Guns But Little Butter (Michael Eisenscher) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Counting votes — Which Flawed System Do You Prefer?

Dr. Keith Devlin

Mar. 25, 2012

The elections in San Francisco last fall highlighted once again the thorny issue of how votes are counted, with the poll results being counted on that occasion using the ranked-choice system. Is that the best method? On the face of it, you’d expect mathematics to provide the answer, as it does on so many occasions.  Unfortunately, when it comes to the democratic process, the one thing mathematicians are sure of is there is no perfect method. Dr. Keith Devlin, Executive Director, H-STAR Institute, Stanford University, and “the Math Guy” on National Public Radio, will explain some of the flaws of all the systems.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-03-25): Counting Votes — Which Flawed System Do You Prefer? (Dr. Keith Devlin) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Thorium Nuclear Power

Dr. Alex Cannara

Mar. 18, 2012

Dr. Alex Cannara will review the three key reasons for nuclear power, summarize key reactor design choices, and discuss (a) why Thorium is important, (b) key legislation being drafted, and (c) what citizens & groups can do. Dr. Cannara has years of experience as an engineer and professor, and is the lead developer of a proposal on safe nuclear power for the 2011 MIT CoLab Competition now being judged.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-03-18): Thorium Nuclear Power (Alex Cannara) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


How to Live the Good Life

Arthur M. Jackson

Mar. 11, 2012

Arthur M. Jackson

Arthur M. Jackson, longtime Humanist Community member and leader, will for the first time provide a PowerPoint presentation about his book How to Live the Good Life:  A User’s Guide for Modern Humans.  This book is the result of over fifty years of struggle to find a naturalistic model for ethics and morality able to provide existential and emotional support to the individual. He was looking for a fundamental understanding of life and the world in which we find ourselves, based on the science paradigm rather than tradition, authority, or cultural relativism. He proposes that this has led him to a science of religion and ethics capable of supporting a religion of wisdom.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-03-11): Arthur M. Jackson’s Book "How to Live the Good Life" from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.