George Erickson
11 a.m., January 8, 2023
Join the Humanist Forum, in person OR on Zoom.
On Sunday, January 8, Dr. George Erickson will join us on Zoom to discuss nuclear energy and climate change.
Dr. George Erickson is a best-selling author of five pro-science books and a retired dentist. He has spent parts of 38 summers ”bush-flying” in Alaska and Arctic Canada and is a former VP of the American Humanist Assoc., a former president of the Minnesota Humanists and a former member of the New Brighton, MN Environmental Quality Commission.
He is a member of the National Center for Science Education, a member of the Thorium Energy Alliance – and a member of a group of about 100 independent physicists, engineers, MDs, energy experts and journalists who are deeply concerned about climate change, the environment and energy issues.
He has exchanged climate change/energy emails with Dr. James Hansen, former chief climate scientist at NASA – now Climate Change scientist at Columbia Univ., whom he often quotes in his image-rich book, Unintended Consequences: The Lie That Killed Millions and Accelerated Climate Change – the book on which his presentations are based. After reading a sampling of Dr. Erickson’s published op-eds on climate change and energy issues, Dr. Hansen called them “brilliant.”
Dr. Erickson travels the country at his own expense, giving presentations on the environment, climate change and energy issues at colleges, schools and affinity groups. Unintended Consequences: can be downloaded for free from the home page of www.tundracub.com. Contact him at tundracub7@gmail.com or 218-744-2003
You can attend our forums in person with fellow humanists in the Maple Room of the Mountain View Community Center at 201 S Rengstorff Ave, Mountain View. Lunch will be served after the forum. We request a $10 donation for lunch.
If you attend in person, COVID protocols will be followed. Vaccinations and masks will be required. If you have symptoms that may be COVID, kindly attend on Zoom (see below).
1/8/23 George Erickson from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.
Also, we will continue to present our forums on Zoom. To join and be able to ask questions and make comments, click here.
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