Meeting Future Energy Needs for the USA

Videos of talks by Kirk Sorensen and others

11 a.m., August 28, 2022

Join us at this Sunday’s meeting to watch two videos and discuss them.

“America, In The Dark” describes the general problem of the need to meet our energy needs now, and especially in the future.
If you wish, you can watch this 7-minute video at:

In “Path Forward Enabled by Thorium”, Kirk Sorensen explores the possibility of meeting future energy needs by the use of thorium nuclear reactor power generation. This approach can provide significant energy without producing nuclear waste, and can be designed to be very safe.
If you wish, you can preview his 25-minute presentation at:
Come join us for a lively discussion about this critical subject.


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2022 Religious Liberty Summit: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

Video of a talk by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito

11 a.m., August 21, 2022

This Sunday we we will watch and discuss a video on the topic “2022 Religious Liberty Summit: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito”. Notre Dame Law School’s Religious Liberty Initiative held the second annual Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit in Rome, Italy, from July 20-22, 2022, and Alito delivered the keynote address at the Gala Dinner.
The video is 42 minutes long.


Because of the coronavirus situation, this Forum will be held online.

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Two videos on “God Does NOT Exist”

Michael Shermer and Peter Millican

11 a.m., August 14, 2022

This Sunday we we will watch and discuss two videos on the topic “God Does NOT Exist”, debated at the Oxford Union Society.

Dr Michael Shermer begins by saying that 84% of the world’s population believe in some kind of organised religion. How do those who believe in a particular religion know that they have chosen the right one and everyone else has got it wrong?
Dr. Shermer is an author and founder of the Skeptics Society.
You can see his 16-minute talk at

Professor Peter Millican says that every religion has a moral code, but this is not surprising as humans are universally moral beings. We are moral because we are a weak species, and the only way we can survive is by cooperation in society. We need a morality to be able to do that.
Professor Millican is the Gilbert Ryle Fellow & Tutor in Philosophy at Hertford College, and a Reader in Early Modern Philosophy at Oxford.
You can see his 23-minute talk at


Because of the coronavirus situation, this Forum will be held online.

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Behaving Decently: Kurt Vonegut’s Humanism

Wayne Laufert

11 a.m., July 17, 2022

This Sunday we will watch and discuss a talk about the life of author Kurt Vonnegut. In 1992, Vonnegut was given the Humanist of the Year Award and was the AHA’s Honorary President from that year until his death in 2007.

Behaving Decently is a talk given to the American Humanist Association by Wayne Laufert last June17 on World Humanist Day. Wayne is a former newspaper reporter and editor who now proofreads material published by the United States government. He has been a member of the humanist Baltimore Ethical Society since 2013 and a fan of Kurt Vonnegut since long before that. Wayne joined the Vonnegut Baltimore book club in 2011, as it began its second season. These days he runs the club with lots of help.


Because of the coronavirus situation, this Forum will be held online.

To see the Forum, and to ask questions or make comments, if you wish, click here.
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Meeting ID: 816 5389 0712
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You can also call any of the following phone numbers and then enter the above Meeting ID and the Passcode in order to join the meeting by phone.
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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My Life on the Bench…What Works, What’s Broken, and How to Change It

LaDoris Hazzard Cordell

11 a.m., July 10, 2022

Judge Cordell will discuss her newly released book: “Her Honor”, where she provides a rare and thought-provoking insider account of our legal system, sharing vivid stories of the cases that came through her courtroom and revealing the strengths, flaws, and much-needed changes within our courts.
You might want to review the link to her book at . Here you can see more info about her book, and purchase it.

Speaker Biography
LaDoris Hazzard Cordell, a 1974 graduate of Stanford Law School, was the first lawyer to open a law practice in East Palo Alto, a low-income community of color.
In 1978, she was appointed Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at Stanford Law School, where she implemented a successful minority admissions program.
In 1982, Governor Jerry Brown appointed Ms. Cordell to the Municipal Court of Santa Clara County.
In 1988, Judge Cordell won election to the Superior Court of Santa Clara County, making her the first African American woman to sit on the Superior Court in northern California.
In 2001, she retired from the bench to become Vice Provost & Special Counselor to the President for Campus Relations at Stanford University. She left that position in 2009.
In 2003, accepting no monetary donations, Judge Cordell, ran a grassroots campaign and won a 4-year term on the Palo Alto City Council.
Judge Cordell was the Independent Police Auditor for the City of San Jose for five years (2010-2015. Under her leadership, the office gained national prominence.
In 2016, Judge Cordell chaired a Blue-Ribbon Commission in Santa Clara County that investigated the jails in the aftermath of the murder of an inmate by jail guards; she also served on a Blue Ribbon Panel that evaluated the culture of the San Francisco Police Department after racist and sexist text messages surfaced.
In 2018, Judge Cordell was the voice of the opposition and campaigned vigorously against the recall of Judge Aaron Persky.
Judge Cordell has been an on-camera legal analyst for CBS-5 television and a guest commentator on Court TV, MSNBC’s “The Weekend with Joshua Johnson,” and “The Mehdi Hasan Show” on NBC’s Peacock Network.
She is a mother and lives in Palo Alto with her partner of 30+ years. In her spare time, Judge Cordell is a pianist, vocalist, portrait artist, cartoonist. Her recently released memoir, Her Honor, is published by Celadon, a division of Macmillan Publishing.
You can follow her on Twitter: @judgecordell. Website:

220710 LaDoris Hazzard Cordell.mp4 from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


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