Installation of Board Members

March 24, 2013

The main event will be the installation of the Humanist Community’s Board of Directors followed by brief statements from each Board member about their goals for HCSV for the year, and for the Humanism Movement. There will be time for audience members to ask questions of the Board members.

Board members for the next year will be: Arthur Jackson, Martin Squibbs, Marie Stephens, Helen Athey, Hilton Brown, Andrea Dorey, Paul Gilbert, Harrianne Mills, and Peng Zhang.

The presentations from the Board stressed that Humanists care about the well being of all humans, and that many of the other activities of members are focused on social issues and social justice.  They also discussed the need for a permanent home for HCSV with facilities for both the Sunday Forum and luncheon, but also rooms for our many weekly activities.

There were numerous questions and comments from the audience.

For more information about the Board see:

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