Obama and the War on Terror: Did the President’s National Security Speech Really Change Anything?
PAUL GEORGE Director, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
June 30, 2013
Paul George
President Barack Obama’s May 23 policy speech on the so-called war on terror was a call for change. It was clear that Obama was responding to tremendous public pressure to end the policies of his predecessor. How far does his new policy go toward ending the perpetual war, and what might the new national security program look like? Pau George will dig into the President’s address to find out whether our endless war might actually be ending.
Paul George has been a grassroots human rights activist and organizer for over 40 years. He is the director of Peninsula Peace and Justice Center and a frequent public speaker on a range of topics. He is renowned for his sharp analyses and clear explanations of complex national policies.
Humanist Celebrants, visiting patients in hospital
Bill Rausch
June 23, 2013
My volunteer work at Washington Hospital doesn’t directly involve my humanist celebrancy. I had two angina attacks during the spring of 2011 which drove me to consult with a cardiologist. He performed an angioplasty, in which a catheter was inserted in an artery in my right arm and was threaded to the blockage and inflated to break up the fatty deposits. I stayed in the hospital overnight and was discharged the next afternoon. Subsequently I enrolled in the Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation program using exercise machines under the supervision of a team of nurses and an exercise specialist.
My rate of recovery so impressed the head nurse that she invited me to become a Mended Hearts Visitor. As such, I visit patients who have had angioplasties shortly after they have had the procedure. I tell them that there IS life after the procedure. As an 81 year old man who patrols the trails of the East Bay Regional Parks District, I’m an example. Hospital rules for volunteers prohibit proselytizing for creeds or religions. I perform this duty to fulfill my service of humane ideals.
I’ve included public service in most of my adult life. Examples could be my 40 pint aphaeresis donations at the Stanford blood Bank and my passing messages via ham radio during the Loma Prieta earthquake. I only discovered humanism 4 years ago but I do regard my celebrancy as a continuing part of my overall service to my fellow humans.
Thousands of years ago people wanted to understand the universe, how humanity was created, and the meaning of our lives. But back then they didn’t have a lot to work with so people created stories and eventually those stories became religion.
Many people criticize religion for believing in “crazy stuff” but the way I see it religion was science back before there was science. Their ability to understand the universe back then is like us trying to understand what, if anything, exists outside of our universe. Nonetheless the attempt was necessary in the course of human evolution to unite people into societies. As a society we could survive better and it led to the creation of the foundations of the scientific methods we use today.
Now that we have advanced to where we are today we find ourselves still wanting to understand the universe, how humanity was created, and the meaning of our lives. We are now doing that through science which is the way we determine what reality really is. Science is now the new Bible. Or more accurately, the Bible is an older version of science.
Science however is still under development as we explore the “meaning of life” questions. Why are we here? What is our purpose in the universe? Or do we simply just exist for no reason at all? Where does right and wrong come from and what should I be doing when I wake up in the morning to further the greater purpose of human existence?
As it turns out humanity does have a greater purpose in the universe. We are not merely an evolved version of pond scum. We are part of the process for which reality itself becomes self-aware.
We are the universe. The universe evolves and evolution is randomness that selects on survival. This process creates complexity and eventually leads to intelligence. And here we are 13.8 billion years later looking back at how we were created. Since we are a creation of the universe, we are the universe understanding itself.
Our role in understanding the universe isn’t optional. We have to do it to survive, to continue to exist. If we don’t then the next big asteroid will take us out. Eventually we are going to have to get off this planet because it is far too fragile to rely on for our continued existence. It is like living on the surface of a soap bubble that could pop at any second. We are going to have to move out into space and in order to do that we are going to have to understand a lot more about the universe than we do today.
Humanity has two paths. We either evolve forward or we become extinct. If we become extinct then we are out of the game. We cease to exist other than being part of the mass of the universe. Therefore our purpose is to continue on the path that evolution has set out for us to be the universe contemplating itself, and for that understanding to continue to increase over time. The purpose of humanity is to continue to be the process for which reality becomes self-aware.
You might ask yourself, what about life on other planets? My answer is – same thing. If intelligent life exists on other planets then they too have the same purpose as us. Evolve or die.
So what does this tell us about right and wrong? How is morality derived? What is my personal role in existence?
If our purpose is to evolve forward where our understanding of reality increases over time then, those things that lead to positive evolution are good and those things that lead to extinction are bad. That is the basis of our moral compass that creates a basis for right and wrong, morality, laws, and the basic tenants of society. And it becomes the basis for a new religious paradigm, reality based religion that becomes an upgrade to previous version of religious philosophy.
Everyone seeks the “Truth”. But what is capital T Truth? Truth by definition is the understanding of the way things really are. All religions seek the Truth, but how do you get to the Truth? You get there through science. Thus science is the new Bible. But don’t think of the Bible as being wrong. Think of science as an upgrade. Think of science as the 2.0 version. It’s the same purpose, we’re just better at it now.
As the Executive Director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations – San Francisco Bay Area (CAIR-SFBA) chapter, Zahra Billoo strives to promote justice and understanding at local and national levels and to empower the community, while building bridges with allies on key civil rights issues. She is a 2010 recipient of the San Francisco Minority Bar Coalition’s Unity Award and a 2011 recipient of the South Asian Bar Association of Northern California’s Public Interest Attorney of the Year Award.
This session will enable participants to better understand anti-Muslim hate, frequently referred to as Islamophobia. This workshop will highlight challenges facing American Muslims in recent years as well as the various factors that contribute to the targeting of Muslims and other minorities alike including government policies and the media. For more about CAIR-SFBA go to: http://ca.cair.com/sfba/
Join us as we discuss and compare several definitions of Humanism taken from Humanist Community and AHA publications. The goal is to help you decide what is important to you about Humanism and give you some insight into what is important to others.
Definitions of Humanism
Humanists value freedom, compassion, fairness, and knowledge derived from science and reason. We seek ethical and personally-fulfilling lives that aspire to the greater good of humanity. HCSV web site
Humanism is a philosophy of life valuing freedom, compassion, fairness, and knowledge derived from science and reason. It affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment aspiring to the greater good of humanity. HCSV web site.
Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life that, without theism and other supernatural beliefs, affirms our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity. AHA web site
Humanists recognize that it is only when people feel free to think for themselves, using reason as their guide, that they are best capable of developing values that succeed in satisfying human needs and serving human interests. ISAAC ASIMOV – scientist, author, and past president of the American Humanist Association. From the AHA web site.
Humanism is a philosophy of joyous service for the greater good of all humanity, of application of new ideas of scientific progress for the benefit of all. LINUS PAULING – scientist, Humanist of the Year in 1961, Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1954, Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. From the AHA web site.
Comments from Discussion
The discussion began in small groups; then we all reconvened to continue the discussion. The following is a summary of points made during the large group discussion.
The definition of Humanism on the AHA’s Web site begins “Humanism is a progressive philosophy of life ….” The word “progressive” should be replaced by “reality-based.”
The definition of Humanism should include some reference to community.
Some definitions refer to “the greater good of humanity” as a goal. It is wrong to elevate humanity above all else, e.g., above the other life forms or the environment.
Some definitions refer to “science and reason.” Those two words are equivalent to “reality.”
When working for the greater good of humanity, we need to think as one global human family, not as nationalists.
Humanists are free thinkers.
There was a difference of opinion about whether one could be both a theist and a Humanist.
The Humanist Community should have no political attachment. Some visitors have stopped coming because we appear to be anti-Republican, which we are not.
A Humanist group should be accepting of all people and not turn others away.