Jon Figdor (Humanist Chaplain at Stanford)
August 19, 2012

A child is born somewhere in America. Will she be born in a blue state, or red? Will she be born to a loving family, or into a family blighted by drug and alcohol abuse? Will she be born to a wealthy family, or into a family struggling to make ends meet? Questions like these will show how one’s luck in the “Natural Lottery,” have strong influences on individuals – in essence, making them more or less likely to be successful. Join Humanist Chaplain at Stanford, Jon Figdor (B.A. Vassar College: Philosophy, M.Div. Harvard Divinity School) for a conversation about Moral Luck, the “Natural Lottery,” and Mitt Romney.
Humanist Community Forum (2012-08-19): Moral Luck, the “Natural Lottery”, and Mitt Romney (Jon Figdor) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.