Paul George

Obama and the War on Terror: Did the President’s National Security Speech Really Change Anything?


Director, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center

June 30, 2013

Paul George
Paul George


President Barack Obama’s May 23 policy speech on the so-called war on terror was a call for change. It was clear that Obama was responding to tremendous public pressure to end the policies of his predecessor. How far does his new policy go toward ending the perpetual war, and what might the new national security program look like? Pau George will dig into the President’s address to find out whether our endless war might actually be ending.
Paul George has been a grassroots human rights activist and organizer for over 40 years. He is the director of Peninsula Peace and Justice Center and a frequent public speaker on a range of topics. He is renowned for his sharp analyses and clear explanations of complex national policies.


Humanist Community Forum (2013-06-30): Did the President’s National Security Speech Really Change Anything? (Paul George) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.



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