Life in a Global Community: Social Service in Uganda

Annie Ashmore

Dec 28, 2014

Annie Ashmore
Annie Ashmore

Annie Ashmore, a sophomore at U.C. Davis, has been volunteering to lobby and raise funds and awareness about human rights issues in Uganda and the Central African Republic since 2009. This summer, she was able to travel to Uganda for the first time and work directly in a village school and orphanage. In this talk, she will discuss her work, its challenges, and her plans for further work in the Kampala area.


Humanist Community Forum (2014-12-28): Life in a Global Community: Social Service in Uganda (Annie Ashmore) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.


Annie Ashmore

Invisible Children

Annie Ashmore

December 29, 2013


Annie Ashmore
Annie Ashmore

Invisible Children ( is an organization dedicated to ending, and helping people recover from, the extreme damage caused by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).   Led by Joseph Kony, the LRA has operated in Uganda and neighboring countries since 1986.  Kony has been accused by government entities of ordering the abduction of children to become child-sex slaves and child soldiers (an estimated 66,000 children have become soldiers).  He was indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in 2005, but has evaded capture.

Annie Ashmore, a freshman in college who led her high school’s Invisible Children group for several years, will discuss the inspiring work of the many young people who volunteer for the Invisible Children group.  She will be asking for donations for this project.


Overview of flyer dropping: