The 2014 American Humanist Association Conference & A Discussion of our Group’s Future

The 2014 American Humanist Association Conference & A Discussion of our Group’s Future

July 6th 2014

2014 Philad-AHA-600


Humanist Community in Silicon Valley (HCSV) members who attended the 73rd Annual Conference of the American Humanist Association in Philadelphia, Pa, from June 5 to June 8 will report their experiences, and reactions to the dynamic and expanding activities of the national Humanist organization of which HCSV is a proud chapter. The future of HCSV will also be a topic for this Forum. Please join us to offer your hopes and dreams for HCSV.

Understanding Human Nature

Understanding Human Nature

Arthur Jackson

May 25, 2014

Arthur Jackson
Arthur Jackson

The ideas included in this talk by Arthur Jackson ( Humanist Community member and leader) are part of an article that has been published in “Humanist Perspectives,” the Humanist magazine for Canada. Jackson, who believes that human beings are the source of meaning and value, will draw from ideas in his book, “How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans” which supports this point of view. Jackson assumes that human nature is shaped by our evolutionary past and can best be understood in that context.


Humanist Community Forum (2014-05-25): Understanding Human Nature (Arthur M. Jackson) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

Arthur Jackson and Bob Stephens

Darwin Day Celebration

Arthur Jackson and Bob Stephens

February 16, 2014

Arthur Jackson
Arthur Jackson

The “International Darwin Day Celebration” (see originated within our very own, Humanist Community of Silicon Valley, in 1993! Longtime Humanist Community members and leaders Arthur Jackson and Bob Stephens will review the past accomplishments of this initiative and talk about what is currently being planned to make “Darwin Day” (which falls on Darwin’s birthday, February 12th) a permanent annual celebration going forward.

The Secular Student Alliance (SSA) is printing an updated version of a promotional booklet written by Bob Stephens which will be distributed to the 400+ SSA College Student chapters, all of the members of Congress, and Feb. 9th HC Forum attendees (so they will be ready to discuss it a week later at this Forum on Feb. 16th).

Arthur Jackson

Human Nature: Genetic Propensities and Symbolic Language

Arthur Jackson

December 22, 2013


Arthur Jackson
Arthur Jackson

Drawing from his 2011 book, How to Live the Good Life: A User’s Guide for Modern Humans, author Arthur Jackson will discuss “human nature.”  His work is considered seminal to understanding why people do what they do.

Jackson, a long-time Humanist activist,  served as Assistant Director of the American Humanist Association (1965-69). Coordinated activities for Humanist Celebrants who serve as alternatives to Ministers, Priests, and Rabbis as well as AHA’s chapter program; was Editorial Associate The Humanistmagazine (1965-69); chaired the International Humanist & Ethical Union’s Working Party on Humanist Counseling (1968-78);  developed a model AHA Humanist chapter and served as full time Executive Director of the Humanist Community of San Jose (HCSJ) (1969-76); and sponsored a humanist group at Soledad State Prison (1970-73).