Michelle Chappel

Feeling Stuck? Shake it Up!

Michelle Chappel

December 15, 2013


Michelle Chappel
Michelle Chappel

Do you long for a more creative, meaningful life? Although 87% of us believe that unleashing creativity is important to our personal and professional lives, only one in four people think they’re creative.  This fun and inspiring talk discusses breakthroughs in psychology, art, science, and business to help shake up your self-limiting beliefs and spark creativity in all aspects of your life.

Dr. Michelle Chappel is an internationally acclaimed musician, businesswoman and keynote speaker who inspires us to be more creative in work, school and life.  She has a BS from Georgetown and PhD from Princeton in psychology. After being voted “Most Inspirational Professor” at the University of California, Santa Cruz, she ditched academics to follow her childhood dream to be a singer-songwriter-producer.

View Michelle Chappel’s Feeling Stuck slides.






Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose

Michelle Chappel, Ph.D., is an internationally acclaimed musician, businesswoman and speaker

December 16, 2012

Michelle Chappel

  After being voted “Most Inspirational Psychology Professor” at UC Santa Cruz, she ditched academics to be a singer-songwriter.  She writes, “In these times, we all need to be able to develop a second act to be happy and prosperous. This talk blends psychological, mythological and scientific perspectives, along with the instructor’s personal experience with change, to show you how to leave the past behind and re-create yourself. You will learn how to discard bad habits and old belief systems that no longer serve you, build the courage to go after your dreams, and persist through setbacks. You will be shown ways to establish a support system as you change, stick to your vision despite nay-sayers and self-criticism, and create a life that expresses who you truly are.”

You can view Michelle’s slides here.  They also include information about her albums which are available on iTunes.


Humanist Community Forum (2012-12-16) – Reinvent Yourself: Creating a Life of Passion and Purpose (Dr. Michelle Chappell) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.