Jewish Voice for Peace:
The International Court of Justice and The Wall
Michael Batchelder
August 11, 2013
In 2004 the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that the barrier Israel was building in the West Bank violated numerous tenets of international law. Yet construction of the wall continued to the present. What did the decision actually say, and what are the implications of that decision? How do US institutions act in view of this decision? What do those reactions say about US institutions and about the future of international law as a tool for creating a better world?
Michael provided an excellent overview of the history of the area since the mid-19th century, as well as much information about the ruling by the International Court of Justice. He, personally, has not given up on a two-state solution which may eventually evolve into a “one-state” solution with some unusual safe-guards for all the people.
Michael Batchelder is a member of Jewish Voice for Peace, a group that supports peace activists in Palestine and Israel and works in broad coalition with other Jewish, Arab-American, faith-based, peace and social justice organizations.
View the video:
Humanist Community Forum (2013-08-11): The International Court of Justice and The Wall (Michael Batchelder) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.