Rawls, Civil Disobedience, and Edward Snowden

Rawls, Civil Disobedience, and Edward Snowden

Martin Carcieri

June 15, 2014

Martin Carcieri
Martin Carcieri

Under what conditions does violation of law have the moral legitimacy of civil disobedience? If Edward Snowden were prosecuted in an American court for leaking classified NSA documents to journalists, for example, would his actions be justified under principles of civil disobedience as articulated by John Rawls, the most influential political philosopher of our time? In his third presentation of Rawls’ work to HCSV, Marty Carcieri (Associate Professor of Political Science at San Francisco State University) will present Rawls’ theory of civil disobedience and apply it to the case of Edward Snowden.

Humanist Community Forum (2014-06-15): Rawls, Civil Disobedience, and Edward Snowden from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.

Benefit Corporations, Global Consciousness and How You Can Co-Create a Sustainable Economic System

Benefit Corporations, Global Consciousness and How You Can Co-Create a Sustainable Economic System

John Montgomery

June 1, 2014

John Montgomery
John Montgomery

Last year, John Montgomery (a corporate attorney, entrepreneur, leadership consultant, speaker and author) introduced the Humanist Community to the latest evolutionary form of the corporation, the benefit corporation, which is the first corporate form that has a social and environmental conscience in addition to the usual profit oriented one. Benefit corporations have now been adopted by 26 states, DC, and British Columbia , and are being considered by countries in Europe and Latin America . John will discuss this shift in global consciousness in business to a triple bottom line approach – people, planet and profit – and invite you to help co-create a sustainable economic system.

(See http://thehumanist.com/contributor/john-montgomery/)

You can view the slides from the presentation by clicking here.

Humanist Community Forum (2014-06-01): Benefit Corporations and a Sustainable Economic System from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.