Annual Poetry Forum

Annual Poetry Forum

Sena Havasy – Facilitator

December 1, 2013


    “I think that I shall never see
         A poem lovely as a tree.”


Sena Havasy
Sena Havasy


Written in 1913, this poem by Joyce Kilmer has often been criticized as too simple, too insipid, too sentimental, and not lovely at all. Yet it lives on…and on…and on. Such is the power of even “bad” poetry.

Do you have a favorite poem, one that you’ve read or maybe even written yourself?  Please share it with other Humanists at our Fifth Annual Poetry Forum.

We are taking sign-ups at the greeters table. For more information contact Sena Havasy at


Annual Poetry Forum

Sena Havasy – Facilitator

November 25, 2012

Sena Havasy, Facilitator
Sena Havasy, Facilitator


This program was the annual opportunity for all who wished to read their own poetry or just poetry they enjoyed sharing.   Most of the poems were originals although several were favorites by other authors.




People who shared their poems were:

Bob Gauntt



Dana St. George
Dana St.George





Ken Abraham











Jon Stephens





Kay Culpepper




Martin Squibbs
Sena Havasy













Helen Athey
Helen Athey

Ric Coccaro
Ric Coccaro










Poems shared:

Martin Squibbs:

Sena Havasy: