Laura Mappin

Our Taboo Museum

Difficult Discussions are My Prozac

Laura Mappin

April 28, 2013


Laura MappinLaura Mappin, a Humanist Community member, will share her online website Our Taboo Museum which transforms taboos through crowd sourced conversation, art and products.  She’ll also discuss the experiences in her life that drove her to create this collaborative place of straight talk with gobs of humor.

Her museum’s purpose is similar to the Humanist Community although discussions might be more personal and may cover a narrower set of topics.  (String theory is not on the list.)

She will discuss her taboo taxonomy around which she organizes the site.  It includes 14 groups, namely, Body, Aging, Death, Skin Color, Sex, Sexual Identity, Reproduction, Rape, Bigotry, Social Norms, Mental Health, Parenting, Money, Shame.

An egalitarian probably since birth, she grew up a sensitive kid with an angry father, experiencing misplaced violence which she of course misunderstood and folded into her opinion of herself.  Then she spent almost 20 years in hi-tech, being exposed to near fatal amounts of left brain behavior.  Being fired or laid off (who knows what that was) at the same time as going through an amicable and mutually desired but still security-shattering divorce, she clinched her date with the abyss.

All of these events fueled her passion to create this museum to talk about what holds humans back from acting more fully in our own interests.  At least, that’s the theory.

The museum and a way to contact the speaker can be found at

Humanist Community Forum (2013-04-28): Our Taboo Museum Difficult Discussions are My Prozac (Laura Mappin) from Humanist Community-SiliconValley on Vimeo.