Branches & Affiliates
A branch group is independent from the HCSV, from their point of view and from ours;
but members of their groups who are also members of AHA
are grouped together with our AHA members, in AHA's records.
Humanists of San Mateo Countywill meetthe 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PMat the home of Caryn Goldman and Dick Hull, 1111 Decatur Street, Foster City. (map)We are a fledgling group hoping to continue growing each month. Please call Caryn for more information and directions at 650-574-2581 or email: —Caryn Goldman |
(relies heavily on internet; details online)
The South San José affiliate of the Humanist Community,The Ethical Humanist Club at The Villagesmeets [where else?] in The Villages.Our format is sort of a polylogue: a presenter provides some ideas and we all contribute to the discussion.
Since The Villages is a locked community
it is necessary to have your name on the list at the entrance guard station. |
(note: website is independently controlled)