Humanist Community in Silicon Valley
serving San Jose, Stanford, and the S. F. Peninsula since 1962
downtown San Jose

FIRST please check whether the topic you want fits reasonably in one of the categories listed in the navigation bar above. For other topics: This finder page is just getting started. It is not a Google-like search box; maybe some day we will have one. It finds only words and phrases so far identified as probable candidates for search.
topics alphabetically:
Board of Directors:
9 voting Directors, each elected for two years. Meeting open to friendly public once a month; additional meetings in private if needed. Currently, best info in bylaws (q.v.)
branch groups:
nearby Humanist groups, sharing some members with us: branches
bylaws until 2011 Nov 20, with proposed changes:
bylaws after 2011 Nov 20:
causes we actively (financial and/or volunteers) support:
about us
children’s program:
family program
commentaries on humanism by individuals:
about us (link is broken temporarily)
contacting us:
about us
Darwin Day:
our Darwin Day page
donating to our organization:
about us
family program:
family program
forums of the past, by speaker or by topic:
if you know the year, you may find it by searching the Forum page for that year. [Forums of past years] Otherwise, you have to ask our web site managers to search for you.
forums, recent and upcoming:
joining our organization:
about us
location, geographic:
what? where?
Manifesto, Humanist, I I I:
maps and directions to our events:
mission statement:
about us
not on line because they may contain sensitive info. However, Forums (both blurbs and videos, both future and past), upcoming events, and our philosophy can be accessed by the navigation bar.
positions on social issues:
(not necessarily of other humanist groups) » (being restuctured)
services we provide:
about us
videos of forums:
web sites related to Humanism:
(but not affiliated with us) related sites